Besides seeing Al’s trucks around town, you may also see him proudly carrying the Olympic Torch or being interviewed about his various apostolates!

EWTN Live with Fr. Mitch Pacwa.

EWTN Bookmark with Doug Keck.

Al Smith hosts the Sunday Morning Rosary Show on FM98.5 CKWR. A spiritual oasis for Catholics and Protestants, alike. As well as the host of Your Life Is Worth Living – Reflections from Archbishop Fulton J.Sheen.

Additionally, Al founded the Evangelization and Ministry Outreach promoting the writings and teachings of the Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.

Using Radio, Television and Social Media as tools in the new evangelization, his websites can be viewed at and

More recently, Al is broadcasting episodes on the Fiat Television Network. His show is called Hungry for More and can be viewed here.